Naomi Lulendo est beaucoup de choses. Sur le papier, elle est parisienne, diplômée de l’École des beaux-arts depuis peu. Dans son sang, sa tête et sa peau, elle est française,
Marilou Poncin attacks fantasies: sexual of some, subject to the prejudices of many others. From cam girls to love dolls and bimbo, she explores these semi-factice female figures, shaped by
Si la peinture d’Enzo Certa était une musique, elle serait un mélange des plus pointu combinant opéra italien classique et rythme endiablé de la Compagnie créole. Elle s’écouterait alors très
My eyes had no prior propensity to dwell on Camille Juthier’s work. Actually, the fluorescent colours have always stripped me of my shades. They yell too loudly. With their bottlenecks
Words are everywhere. In Christine Herzer’s studio-apartment this is probably more true than elsewhere. They are said, written, drawn, shared or collected. From floor to ceiling, the environment is saturated
The earth and bark smother the visitors’ steps. We are actually in a gallery, but the works are discovered in a smell of undergrowth and almost by detour. Florian Mermin
The eye is there to observe and challenge us. Silent and yet omnipresent, it attracts attention without however initiating a real exchange, here sketched as an Egyptian symbol, there underlined
Painting is a spiritual exercise. It is a canvas that we contemplate, colours that absorb us, another reality that opens up to us. In Cecilia Granara’s paintings, the exercise of
It is difficult to catch Caroline Mesquita, winner of the 2017 edition of the Ricard Prize, as the artist is multiplying her projects. While two of her pieces have entered