
Jeunes Critiques d’Art is a collective founded in 2016 instigated by Horya Makhlouf and Grégoire Prangé, which today gathers 16 members: Alexia Abed, Adèle Anstett, Camille Bardin, Meryam Benbachir, Samuel Belfond, Luce Cocquerelle, Flora Fettah, Henri Guette, Tania Hautin-Trémolières, Caroline Honorien, Samy Lagrange, Mathilde Leïchlé, Claire Luna, Horya Makhlouf, Cindy Olohou and Grégoire Prangé.

Jeunes Critiques d’Art promotes independence, freedom of tone and commitment. Each member of Jeunes Critiques d’Art publishes individually and freely on a platform they call “critic run space”, reviews of exhibitions, portraits of artists and more theoretical texts on art and its environment. More than a platform, Jeunes Critiques d’Art is a group for reflection and exchange on critical practices, their role in the field of art and the political responsibility they entail.


Former members of the collective are : Irène Cavallaro, Anna Cummings (translator), Chris Cyrille, Arnaud Idelon, Flavie Ingeleare, Victoria Le Boloc’h-Salama, Charlotte Lebot (publisher), Margaux Luchet, Diane Der Markarian, Anne-Laure Peressin, Léo Panico-Djoued and Pauline Schweitzer and Clément Thibault.



Grégoire Prangé Author // Co-President
Camille Bardin Author // Co-President
Samuel Belfond Author // General Secretary
Samy Lagrange Author // Treasurer
Luce Cocquerelle-Giorgi Author
Flora Fettah Author
Henri Guette Author
Tania Hautin-Trémolières Author
Mathilde Leïchlé Author
Claire Luna Author
Horya Makhlouf Author
Cindy Olohou Author
Alexia Abed Author
Caroline Honorien Author
Adèle Anstett Author
Meryam Benbachir Author